A New Camera!!!

 I've been using a go-pro style camera since I got here. That has come with its own set of challenges, since it was designed for skateboarders, not scientists. The pixel resolution isn't great and its hard to hack my way into changing important settings and turning off auto features. The code I built waited for images to be saved to a folder, then reloaded them into MATLAB so I could work on them. It was very slow. Now, with a new, scientific camera, I have new problems! 

I learned how to use the software that comes with the camera and then worked my way through the manuals to control the camera at a more fundamental level in MATLAB and in python. It was slow to download all the right packages and jump through the right hoops, but satisfying to record data so much faster once everything was done! I integrated the camera right into my code which makes everything much faster.  

This was a heavy coding week, so these pictures aren't too glamorous, but it sums up what I spent my time doing pretty well! 


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